1 Answer

Felix Fox Felix Fox

It is hard for me to distinguish industry here, as the advancement of technology has brought a new industry / mechanization revolution in our lives every day. In other words, the increasing memory and information processing capacities of computers constantly open the way for mechanization in terms of production and this shows that there will be a change in almost every field.

The most obvious example of this is the fact that China Foxxon, which has one of the world's largest technology production factories, will put 1 million robots in action in the next 2-3 years. Currently, products from Apple, Microsoft and many other well-known technology companies are coming out of Foxxon's tape.

There is a rapid renewal in every field from greenhouse to pharmaceutical industry, from petro-chemistry to automotive.

It is not clear what the process is talking about, but when we think that robotics will enter our lives with physical carriers, that is, robots, we can say that the logistics sector is one of the areas that change radically with robotics.

Perhaps the robot dolls and robot animals will not reach the next 10 years, but the primitive forms of humanoid robots are used in storage services.

Amazon recently announced that it will purchase Kiva Systems, which has developed special packaging and distribution automation software and robots for e-commerce companies, for $ 775 million in cash.

As human beings get used to online commerce and urban life, it will continue like this.

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