1 Answer
First of all, psychologists remind that when talking, two people usually leave a distance of about one arm. But they state that people feel themselves in a strange, unnatural situation, since the distance in the elevator is much less than that. According to the researchers, the most worrying part of being so close to the physical is the fear of disturbing someone else. For this reason, everyone in the elevator makes an extraordinary effort not to perceive his stance or any movement he makes as a threat and not to disturb them.
Another reason to feel strange in the elevator is that we do not have control. The door of the elevator opens, you enter and press the button of the floor you will go to. It remains only to wait, and this passive state of anxiety concerns people. People usually prefer to avoid eye contact, look at the ground or work on the phone to reduce the strange feeling they experience in the elevator a little. So how do you deal with this situation?