1 Answer

Danny Garrison Danny Garrison

Using sexuality - Well, this will come as no surprise to anyone, but I've seen it in many boardrooms where people of both sexes have gone out of their way to either play with it or seem to be making a bid on a key decision-maker. In the B2B tech consulting room, where deals worth millions of dollars hang in the balance, is the worst industry I've seen it. People can do everything they can to get a piece of the action.

I recall one incident in which we visited the board of a multi-billion dollar company and one of my team's executives actually wearing a especially threatening red outfit. Now it helped her to be quite attractive so she easily held the attention of the men. We were one of seven companies bidding for that company and I would be the first to confess that in this particular case we were less eligible than the others. However, we ended up agreeing a contract for a whopping $1.5 M because of the exploiting sex appeal, plus what I'm sure was any post-meeting follow-ups. The men could hardly recall what our competitors had already discussed when we left that room. She was our hidden gun and once we learned we had a room full of male managers, we took her inside.

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