1 Answer

Carmen Ross Carmen Ross

Marine glaciers play an important role in the hunting of polar bears. Sea glaciers allow polar bears to reach long distances in the open sea, so they can hunt more seals. The polar bears quietly approach the seals on sea glaciers and suddenly attack and catch their prey. The puppies hiding under the snow puddles of the folk folk in the cavities they made in the ice are also the food sources of the polar bears.

With the effect of global warming, the shrinkage of sea glaciers in the open seas adversely affects the polar bears' hunting and feeding habits. Polar bears have to travel longer in the open seas in order to find food, that is, to swim longer. This situation causes polar bears to spend more energy than usual during the hunting period and consume food stores.

Research shows that polar bears can use land deer, snow geese and eggs as food sources if polar bears cannot catch enough seals due to global warming. However, the long-term effects of the change in hunting and feeding habits of polar bears (for example, whether the balance between the amount of energy they store and spend in their bodies can be maintained, how their reproductive processes will be affected) has not been determined yet.

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