1 Answer

Danny Garrison Danny Garrison

Color blindness can occur due to the lack of pigment in photoreceptor cells and the failure of these cells to function properly.

In color blindness related to red and green color, pigments in red cone cells may not function properly. In this case, red, orange and yellow colors are perceived in green tones and the colors are not very bright. Another reason for color blindness related to red and green color is the absence of properly functioning red cone cells. In this case, it does not detect red color. Orange, yellow and green colors are seen in yellow colors.

In case of green cone cells not working properly, yellow and green colors are perceived in red tones. In the absence of properly functioning green cone cells, the colors in red tones are seen in brown-yellow, and green in beige.

The problem of color blindness caused by blue cone cells is more rare than color blindness related to red and green color. In case of a problem with blue cone cells, blue colors are perceived in green tones.

If there is a problem in all three cone cells, only black, white and gray colors are seen.

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