Is time moving faster on top of a building than on the bottom?
1 Answer
we can address this issue in two ways.
firstly, as understood from the sentence, the perception of time different from person to person: think of two people and assume that one is very entertaining and is busy with a job that he never wants to end. and think about one more person, he's dealing with a very boring job and asking him to finish it as soon as possible. Let's say that for an hour these two people have been dealing with these works and as a result, time will pass much faster than the other.
secondly: and the main confusing one is that time, which is very closely related to einstein's theory of relativity, can be different in relation to speed and position. According to einstein, as a system accelerates, time slows down on that system. Time flows more slowly in a vehicle moving at a speed close to the speed of light. all kinds of organic, biological and anatomical structures begin to work heavier. all movements at the atomic level slow down. An astronaut cannot observe this change of time according to the speed, the observer in a vehicle moving in space. because its all kinds of cell functions, circulation and breathing
the system will operate more heavily. It was only 3 minutes for the man in the space capsule when a 3 hour time we know in the world has passed. A good example used to explain this theory, known as relativity theory, is the twins paradox. In this example, while one of the twins of the same age stays in the world, the other goes on a space trip at a speed close to the speed of light. When he returns, he will find his twin brother much older than himself.