What are some very interesting and cool facts about Maths?


Math is all around us, in everything we do. It can be a bit hard to understand it sometimes yet very fun and amazing when you see how things actually work in mathematical terms. 

You can even have fun just like you do when you solve a puzzle. 

So here are some fun facts about Maths, not necessarily mathematical...

Most mathematical symbols weren’t invented until the 16th century. Before that, equations were written in words.

From 0 to 1000, the only number that has the letter “a” in it is “one thousand”

Every odd number has an “e” in it.

“Eleven plus two” is an anagram of “twelve plus one” which is pretty fitting as the answer to both equations is 13.

Also, there are 13 letters in both “eleven plus two” and “twelve plus one”.


Do you know any interesting stuff like that? 




1 Answer

Leona Thompson Leona Thompson

If you shuffle a deck of cards properly, it’s more than likely that the exact order of the cards you get has never been seen before in the whole history of the universe.

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