Is knowledge a limited phenomenon?


If knowledge is limited, will science not discover everything one day? Or can we say that there is no limit to the information as every answer we find will raise new questions?


1 Answer

Ibbie Lewis Ibbie Lewis

The knowledge can be divided according to the types of delivery to it. This distinction can also change the definition of knowledge, so that it can be discussed whether it is limited.

Accordingly, knowledge is achieved by reason, by observation, by metaphysical methods such as discovery - dream, and according to Jung, intuition, which is an advanced method of observation (This is intuition, Jung's intuition).

Observation and Jung's intuition have a parallel to the limits of observation, that is, the universe. But can the same be said for the way of reason? This is a controversial issue. Discovery - dream type metaphysical knowledge will be limited to the special experiences and imagination of the person who reveals it.

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