Is there such a thing as race scientifically?


Friends, is there something called race (English-American-German) in the evolutionary process? Or is this a nonsense that we later made up to separate ourselves from other people?


1 Answer

Hermione Kline Hermione Kline

From a biological point of view, it is possible for any living population to live in isolation from its species, making it possible to classify that population as a race. In the evolutionary process, it may lead to the formation of speciation. However, since there is no such thing as isolation of humans today (except tribal life), this concept has ceased to be a part of the evolutionary process of humans. From another point of view, the concept of race is one of the most valid excuses for segregation and causes great grief for humanity. We have to work together for a beautiful world. Perhaps it would be good to review such concepts as humanity. Have a nice day.

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