1 Answer

Grover Riggs Grover Riggs

Coronavirus, a type of virus that causes infection in the respiratory tract. During coughing and sneezing, droplets containing the virus can infect other people or surfaces. The virus can also be transmitted to the body when hands are touched by the mouth, nose or eye after being contaminated with the virus. So the virus spreads rapidly among humans. Hand hygiene is one of the most effective measures to be taken to protect against viruses that cause respiratory infection, such as new types of coronavirus. The structure of soap has polar & apos; s parts. Polar parts dissolve in polar substances such as water, while apolar parts dissolve in apolar substances such as oil. That's how soap cleans up the dirt. When we wash our hands with soap, the soap dissolves the fat molecules in the structure of the membrane that protects the genetic material of the virus. In this way, the structure of the membrane deteriorates and the virus loses its ability to make an infection.

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