What could be the reason for trembling when we are excited or worried?
1 Answer
When we get excited or worried, the amygdala region in our brain activates the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the stress-excitement system, and begins to secrete adrenaline, just like when we face a danger. When adrenaline is secreted, symptoms such as increased heart rate in the body, rapid breathing, sweating, chills, and tingling sensations in the hands and feet appear. Difficulty speaking (defined as a social anxiety disorder) when speaking in front of a community is the most common example of such situations.
In cases where anxiety increases and cannot be controlled, relaxation exercises can be performed to reduce the undesirable effects of adrenaline and to calm down. One of them is breathing therapy method. In this method, it is necessary to take deep breaths for four seconds, hold the breath for four seconds, leave the breath again in four seconds, and do so as to repeat it three times.