Nick Talman 2 years ago Javascript How can I hide and show component on specific width in react js? I want to toggle my button it works but the problem is I want to create a more responsive. when the device width is 440 px my sidebar will be closed. When we click the bu... 0 votes 2 answers 607 views
Marcus Peer 4 years ago Javascript How to change date format in react js I am trying to read a CSV file. The date in the file in a format - 'DD-MMM-YY'. When I am trying to read this, I am getting an invalid date error. 01-Apr-20 - how do we read this in react? Thank you! 0 votes 3 answers 1.4K views
John Szymanski 4 years ago Javascript How to validate an email address in JavaScript How do I validate an email address in JavaScript. Is there a regular expression? 0 votes 1 answers 670 views
Peter Wadley 4 years ago Javascript How can I remove a specific item from an array? I have an array of numbers, and I'm using the .push() method to add elements to it.Is there a simple way to remove a specific element from an array?I have to use core JavaScript 0 votes 1 answers 663 views